She's A Rainbow - Rolling Stones
Opera - The Ark
Get Lost - Patrick Wolf
The Glad Yeah - The Ark
People Have The Power - Patti Smith
Paradoxical Braincancer - Tom Milsom
Dog Days Are Over - Florence + The Machine
Strawberry Fields Forever - The Beatles
Smell - Tom Milsom
It Takes A Fool To Remain Sane - The Ark
Land - Patti Smith
Vilken/vilka låtar skulle du vilja vara?
Okej, jag vill vara:
SvaraRaderaKrakow Love - The Mo
Lucky Ones - Lana Del Rey
Radio Ga Ga - Queen
Don't Fake The Real Thing - Melody Club
Tired of Being An Object? - The Ark
Mest bara för att de är så härliga låtar.
Jag säger The Most Radical Thing To Do. Alltid.
SvaraRaderaThe Wild Hunt - Tallest man on earth
SvaraRaderaI was definitely made for these times - Hello Saferide
Frederick - Patti Smith
She Sells - Roxy Music
SvaraRaderaSweet Thing/Candidate/Sweet Thing (reprise) - David Bowie
Time Of Year - Patrick Wolf
Who Will - Patrick Wolf
I Want You - Bob Dylan
Within You Without You - The Beatles (ELLER Strawberry fields fast jag kan ju inte härma dig!!!)
Okej skulle kunna fortsätta en evighet. Men typ.
(Gillar mycket din nya konceptuella blogg!)